Test the health of your accounts receivable processes and performance compared to national peer averages with our RCM Health Calculator.
It takes just 1-2 minutes to get your score: green means you’re ahead of the pack, yellow shows room for improvement; and red indicates a need for immediate solutions and improvement.
Of course, we don’t leave you there. As a national leader in healthcare revenue cycle solutions, Meduit knows how to take any healthcare organization – no matter how far ahead or behind the pack they are – and improve accounts receivable performance. After we calculate your score, we will also provide you with a best practices checklist you can use to start making improvements.
Know before you go (but it’s OK if you don’t). As you calculate your RCM health, it helps if you know your accounts receivable performance metrics, but if you don’t know a particular answer you can just select “not sure.” Please also note that we do not ask you for any specific financial information, and all of your responses will be kept confidential. Please click here for our privacy policy.
It’s time to test your RCM health with the Meduit RCM Health Calculator.